Monday, January 25, 2010

It dawned on me today that this is the moment when PC Begins: it's not getting here, it's not meeting your town, it's when you get the rest of that junk out of the way and you get to focus on the other people. You're settled, you're halfway comfortable, some work is lined up, you don't have to think so hard about what you have to do, survival, but more on what you wish to do and would like to see happen in your town.

The other thing I'm glad about is this, how for the first time in my PC career I'll soon be a PC Sophomore. No longer the freshman, but after this 2 week training in February, 2 weeks until March when the next group comes at the beginning of the month. Then I will, after 2 years and some months, no longer be the newbie. So that makes me happy. The reason I never was this in Bolivia after 8 months there, was because they canceled two different groups of people. Even if we weren't evacuated, that is so extremely disruptive to the work projects people have that would not have been continued. Ultimately, every work job was suspended, but hearing first how one group was canceled, then a few months later hearing how a second group was canceled, we were frightened and we remained the freshman class.

I said this with a girl Christa, driving to my town and she going an hour further down the same road to her town. She's been here a year longer than me. Will she become a senior when this group comes? No, we decided. You aren't a senior until you meet the people that will be replacing you, the final 1/8th of your time here, where you wrap up what you did, you say goodbye, you hang out until someone else moves into your room and you get to introduce them to the town.

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